March 13, 2011

How Hurts


It's very heartbreaking to see disasters that happened frequently. So by this time people start to aware of the 2012 thing, I knew nothing about the end of the world until I watched this movie back in 2009. Then everyone starts to discuss and some may believe or some may doubt it, everyone has their different point of view. '2012' is such an awesome movie as I see, no matter how fake those scenes are but they are happening in real dont they? We lucky Malaysians do not have the chance to witness such scenes happening in real so we just live happily under the shelter of other unfortunate countries, many times when we see news of quakes, tornadoes, floods, tsunamis we would just PRAY for them victims. Yes there is nothing else we could do.


How many people are actually doing their best to save the earth instead of showing their sympathies to the victims and saying the needs of protecting the earth? While they still switch on their air-conds every night before they go to sleep, playing fireworks every year, simply using the papers etc. I even saw one RIDICULOUS facebook event titled 'When 22.12.12 comes, I will watch 2012 and laugh', we have these brainless people on facebook so no wonder disasters happen. Some says the quakes in Japan is the Japanese's karmas, what stupid karma? I would say that this is karma for the EVERYONE on earth!

The quakes, tsunamis, nuclear meltdown, radiation, are so saddening. I wanna do every thing I want before these disasters hit me! So after the A levels end, I wanna get a life in Raleigh Expedition, this is the first thing I wanna achieve :)

1 comment:

chris said...

u got all my points.